Gun Blogger Glossary
APPLESEED - A program designed to teach shooters to become riflemen, complete with a history lesson. More info here.
AR - Short for ArmaLite, typically referring to the AR-15 pattern rifle, the most popular of the EBRs
ARSENAL - Any number of weapons higher than one according to the MSM
ASSAULT WEAPON - A weapon that defies definition because there is no such thing. See also "Shoulder Thing That Goes Up"
BACON - Meat of the gods
BATFE - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
BATFEIEIO - Kenneth Melson had a farm BATFEIEIO. And on that farm he had some Airsoft rifles BATFEIEIO.
BECAUSE YOU SUCK AND WE HATE YOU - Heckler & Koch (HK) worked hard on their marketing slogan.
BIANCHI - The NRA's Action Shooting tournament
BLOOMBERG - Mayor of New York and an ardent gun rights denier. He has shown in the past that he is not above having his men break the law in order to deprive others of their Second Amendment rights.
BRADY - Most often refers to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
CCL - Concealed carry license
CCW - Carry concealed weapon
CLIP - NOT A MAGAZINE! This is a clip.
COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING - Where grown men and women play dress up and then sling lead at steel targets like Wyatt Earp did to the Clanton's at the O.K. Corral.
EBR - Evil Black Rifle. See: "Tactical", "Shoulder Thing That Goes Up"
FORD EARTHFUCKER - Every Gun Nut's dream vehicle...or something
GAMER - Someone who participates in shooting competitions to the possible detriment of their self-defense shooting skills
GAMERFAG - A "Gamer" who has "turned it up to 11"
GUN FREE ZONE - More properly termed a Second Amendment rights denial zone. Also a good place for car thieves to go gun shopping.
GUN PORN - Pictures of guns (almost always zero pretty ladies present in said pictures)
HELLER - Most frequently referring to the Supreme Court case of District of Columbia v. Heller. Also Dick Heller the lead plaintiff in the case.
HSUS - Humane Society of The US. They are not humane. They are also one of the biggest threats to hunting and gun ownership in the country.
IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association, one of the "practical" shooting sports organizations
INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING - This is what most politicians do on a daily basis
JEWS IN THE ATTIC - A test for potentially corrupt laws invented by Joe Huffman
JMB - John Moses Browning, inventor of every cool gun you've ever shot (probably)
JMB, PBUH - John Moses Browning, Peace Be Upon Him
LOOPHOLE - Something legal that some people feel should not be. See the Gun Show Loophole for a good example
LOST & STOLEN - A requirement in some cities to report within 24 hours that a firearm has been lost or stolen. See "Instead of Doing Something"
MAGAZINE - Anything that isn't a clip.
MAIG - Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Most mayors that are members don't realize that the name should be Mayors Against All Guns Everywhere.
MAKE SARAH BRADY CRY - Doing anything that the Brady Campaign would disapprove of. Such as having fun.
MICROSTAMPING - A completely useless technology designed to be used as a backdoor gun ban.
NRA - The National Rifle Association
NRA-ILA - The lobbying arm of the NRA
OC - Open carry. To carry a firearm in the open for all to see (typically holstered on the hip)
ONE QUESTION - Joe Huffman's response to gun banners
ONLY ONES - Law enforcement officers who feel that they are the "only ones" qualified to handle firearms. It comes from a popular video of an officer uttering his famous last words.
PIG CANDY - The best bacon you've never had. I suggest adding the cayenne.
PSH - Pants Shitting Hysterics or Pants Shitting Hysteria. More info on the types of S involved in PSH can be found here.
REASONED DISCOURSE - The internet equivalent of taking your ball and going home. Typically comments are either moderated or shut down completely to avoid having to think about anything that might force them to shift their world view.
SHOULDER THING THAT GOES UP - An infamous quote by Carolyn McCarthy that does an excellent job of illustrating how ignorant of guns most gun banners actually are.
TACTICAL - Anything black that makes the owner feel more like an "operator"
TACTICAL COFFEE - Better than a .25 in some situations
TACTICAL PANTS - Pants with pockets in the pockets in the pockets (and comfy too). A complete guide here.
THREE GUN - Competition shooting involving a rifle, pistol, and shotgun
THREEPERS - Supposedly the 3% of gun owners that are either crazy brave or just crazy
UNPOSSIBLE - After improbable, there's impossible after that comes unpossible. There's a whole laundry list of unpossible here.
USPSA - The other practical shooting sports association
WOOKIE-SUITER - Science fiction reading, small "l" libertarians. Complete definition here (with picture).
ZOOTSHOOTERS - Quite possibly the coolest shooting sport around