Saturday, March 15, 2008


At this time, I'd like to remind each of my readers that any functioning cell-phone can reach 911.

And when I say any cell-phone I mean just that: any functioning cell-phone can be used to contact 911.

If the battery has enough charge to hit a tower, and the phone works, you can dial 911 on it.

Doesn't matter if you cancelled your service -- you can dial 911 on it.

Doesn't matter if your service cancelled your service -- you can dial 911 on the cell-phone.

Doesn't matter if you've never even had a service -- you can still dial 911 on that phone.

Run over your allotted time limit? You can still dial 911.

The cell-phone company got you cut off until you pay them both legs, one arm and your first-born? You can still dial 911.

Yes, you can buy a pay-as-you-go phone -- but never buy any minutes -- and you can still dial 911.

The FCC requires all cell-phone services to route any 911 call to a Public Safety Answering Point regardless of whether the caller subscribes or not.

Thank you for your attention.

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