President Obama is anti-handgun… because he knows that a handgun is only good for fighting your way back to your rifle.
Obama’s deep, dark secret isn’t that he’s a Muslim, it’s that he’s a gun nut. He has a prayer rug, but it’s embroidered with the image of John Moses Browning.
Obama scoffs at the 9mm vs. .45 ACP debate; instead his CCL authorized a tactical nuclear strike.
Sometimes, when he’s bored, Obama sends Sarah Brady anonymous gift wrapped packages containing a bottle of Hoppe’s No. 9.
After the election, he let everyone freak out and start buying up ammo because he was still sitting on a pallet of corrosive Bulgarian .380 that he got roped into buying at the Knob Creek shoot back in the 90′s, and he’s been trying to unload it for years.
In exchange for letting her plant an organic garden at the White House, Michelle has to let Barack keep his prized Dillon XL 650 in the West Wing; no single stage for him, he’s a progressive.